2023 Dick Button Festival of Artistic Skating

ITNY participated in the annual Dick Button Festival of Artistic Skating in Norwood, MA on Sat., Oct. 14, 2023 in the Dick Button Artistic Figure Skating Seminar and the Dick Button Artistic Figure Skating Showcase.
Click here for an article about the Dick Button Artistic Figure Skating Festival.
Dick Button Artistic Figure Skating Seminar- On & Off-Ice Classes
Developed by Olympic Champion John Curry as a daily class for his skating company, the format is now used to teach the Ice Theatre Ensemble and guest skaters. Mastery of the edges is the key to skating. The classes' on-ice format is similar to that of a dance class with a large group lesson being taught to music. Participants perform a sequence of steps ranging from basic to advanced difficulty. Sequences are then performed in small groups to develop spatial sensitivity among skaters and to facilitate flow on open freestyle sessions. The basic material may be incorporated into skaters’ daily warm-up routines, while more advanced sequences may be modified for use in programming.
The skater of the future will be the one who combines the athleticism of the triple/quadruple jump with the artistry that comes only through the mastery of the edges. Jumps and flying spins are energetic developments of edges and turns that are performed on the surface of the ice. Balance on these basic edges and turns not only facilitate athleticism but also are inseparable from artistry. Skaters will gain a repertory of exercises designed to develop skills necessary for accomplishing the athletic elements of skating. These exercises help create the freedom of ice movement essential to style. The classes focuses in-depth on these basics:
• Grounded knee bend (Plié)
• Dynamic placement of the free leg
• Twisting and the use of the arms to shape space
• Full use of the eyes for balance and style
Through full and proper use of the body, skaters come in contact with their basic strengths and ultimately discover their own unique ice personalities.
Dick Button Artistic Figure Skating Showcase
OF WATER AND ICE Photo Credit Richard Velasco
Choreographed by Jody Sperling
AQUATAPhoto Credit Hideki Aono
Choreographed by Mauro Bruni
TIMELESSNESSPhoto Credit Josef Pinlac
Choreographed by Lorna Brown
LA REVOLT DES ENFANTSPhoto Credit Josef Pinlac
Choreographed by Alberto Del Saz